Saturday, September 10, 2011

How the goddess chaos came to be or a myth about her? Or constellation?

I need a constellation dealing with chaos or dealing with anyone in her myth. The myth can be about how she came to be, anything helps really.

Thanks:)|||well she was the first thing that came into being. She have many other names. she found Light and fell in love with it. soon they made the universe some said in the form of a big bang but that different story. She created the universe. The also known as the goddess and as darkness. (darkness in my view point) the reason for that is because she once was a big world of darkness till she found light deep inside her and fell in love with it. so darkness isn't all that bad. she didn't just created the universe but souls as well. she wasn't created she was already here before she found light. She is said to be a dark void she fell in love with light (also know as the god, love, and some others things) soon she created the universe, the gods, souls, and a lot of cool stuff. hope this helps. the myths about her came in a lot of shapes and form it started in Greece but it become different over time normally the same person.|||The Goddess of Chaos is known as Eris. In what is referred to as "The Original Snub" The Gods of Olympus were throwing a rather large party %26amp; left Eris off the guest list, citing that she was often known to cause trouble at such events. Eris found out about it %26amp; decided to, well, cause trouble in retaliation. She created a Golden Apple and had it inscribed in Greek, reading "To the Fairest." She snuck into the party %26amp; rolled it into the midst of three Goddesses; Hera, Athena %26amp; Aphrodite. A fight broke out amongst the three %26amp; eventually lead to the start of the Trojan War.

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