Friday, September 23, 2011

How long will the Full moon be in the constellation "Taurus" tonight?

how big is this constellation viewed from the earth??

can anyone describe when we look at the moon much will it move in the sky from early evening to early morning??

and would it all be in the constellation "Taurus"?

how long again?|||This question can only be answered exactly for a particular location. Since you haven't told us where you live, I'll give the answer for where I live, in Coldwater, Ontario, Canada. The Moon entered Taurus on December 10 at 7:27:03 pm EST. It will leave Taurus on December 13 at 2:39:27 am EST. You can work out the time it spent in Taurus yourself -- I'm not very good at adding and subtracting times.

The area of Taurus is 797 square degrees.|||All constellations are not equal.How ever, the zodiacal are 30degrees. Moon travels along its path 13.3degree per day. So you can find out how much time it stays in 30 degree.

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