Friday, September 16, 2011

What are the stars in the constellation Pisces and where are they located on the constellation?

I need this for a science project due in three days and it is worth 50% of my science mark and I still haven't started on the model of the constallation.(Or the info) Can you throw in a few good sites too?|||Pisces (Latin for fish (plural), symbol , Unicode ♓) is a zodiac constellation which lies between Aquarius to the west and Aries to the east.

The Vernal equinox is currently located in Pisces, due south of ω Psc, and, due to precession, slowly drifting below the western fish towards Aquarius.


The constellation resembles two roundish objects, each of which is tied to the same point by a long length of string [1]. Generally the objects have been considered as fish, although since by including fainter stars visible to the naked eye, the strings themself take on the appearance of stick-figure bodies (with the roundish objects thus becoming heads). Some forms of early Greek mythology viewed it as men bound to a point. It is generally thought that in earlier depictions, only the constellation Piscis Austrinus was considered to be a fish.

According to one version in Greek mythology, this constellation represents fish into which Aphrodite and her son Eros transformed in order to escape the monstrous Typhon. The two fishes are often depicted tied together with a cord (or their tails), to make sure they do not lose one another.

According to another version, since the binding point is below the ecliptic, and thus considered to represent being in the underworld, and that one of the figures (the one on the left) appears to escape, but the other (on the right) seems to head back toward the ecliptic, then, together with Cetus (another constellation in the Zodiac sign of Pisces), this may have formed the basis of the myth of the capture of Cerberus, one of The Twelve Labours of Herakles.


The Western astrological sign Pisces of the tropical zodiac (February 19 - March 20) differs from the astronomical constellation and the Hindu astrological sign of the sidereal zodiac (March 12 - April 18).

Notable Deep Sky objects

Pisces contains one galaxy that is listed in Charles Messier's catalog, namely the spiral galaxy Messier 74.


Stars with proper names:

(113/α Psc) (double) 3.82, 4.33 Alrescha [Al Rescha, Alrischa, Alrisha, Rescha, El Rischa, Al Richa] or Kaitain or Okda

Alrescha %26lt; ? ar-riša' The ropes

Okda %26lt; عقدة cuqda[h] Knot

(4/β Psc) 4.48 Fum al Samakah

%26lt; فم السمكة fum/fam al-samakah Mouth of the fish

(99/η Psc) 3.62 Alpherg or Kullat-Nunu

[Alpherg = a error for Alpherd?]

(110/ο Psc) 4.26 Torcularis Septentrionalis

%26lt; torculāris septemtriōnālis Of the northern wine/oil press

van Maanen's star (HIP 3829) 12.38 – closest single white dwarf

Stars with Bayer designations:

6/γ Psc 3.70; 63/δ Psc 4.44; 71/ε Psc 4.27; 86/ζ Psc – double 5.21, 6.44; 10/θ Psc 4.27; 17/ι Psc 4.13; 8/κ Psc 4.95; 18/λ Psc 4.49; 98/μ Psc 4.84; 106/ν Psc 4.45; 111/ξ Psc 4.61; 102/π Psc 5.54; 93/ρ Psc 5.35; 69/σ Psc 5.50; 83/τ Psc 4.51; 90/υ Psc 4.74; 84/χ Psc 4.66; 85/φ Psc 4.67; 74/ψ1 Psc – double 5.33, 5.55; 79/ψ2 Psc 5.56; 81/ψ3 Psc 5.57; 28/ω Psc 4.03; 7/b Psc 5.05; 32/c Psc 5.70; 41/d Psc 5.38; 80/e Psc 5.51; 89/f Psc 5.13; 82/g Psc 5.15; 68/h Psc 5.44; 65/i Psc – double 5.55, 7.1 ; 67/k Psc 6.08; 91/l Psc 5.23; 5/A Psc 5.42

Stars with Flamsteed designations:

1 Psc 6.11; 2 Psc 5.43; 3 Psc 6.22; 9 Psc 6.26; 13 Psc 6.39; 14 Psc 5.91; 15 Psc 6.47; 16 Psc 5.68; 19/TX Psc 4.95; 20 Psc 5.49; 21 Psc 5.77; 22 Psc 5.59; 24 Psc 5.93; 25 Psc 6.29; 26 Psc 6.22; 27 Psc 4.88; 29 Psc 5.13; 30 Psc 4.37; 31 Psc 6.33; 33 Psc 4.61; 34 Psc 5.54; 35 Psc 6.02; 36 Psc 6.12; 38 Psc 6.66; 40 Psc 6.60; 42 Psc 6.25; 44 Psc 5.77; 45 Psc 6.77; 46 Psc 6.40; 48 Psc 6.05; 51 Psc 5.69; 52 Psc 5.38; 53 Psc 5.89; 54 Psc 5.88 – has a planet; 55 Psc 5.36; 57 Psc 5.36; 58 Psc 5.51; 59 Psc 6.11; 60 Psc 5.98; 61 Psc 6.51; 62 Psc 5.92; 64 Psc 5.07; 66 Psc 5.80; 72 Psc 5.64; 73 Psc 6.03; 75 Psc 6.14; 76 Psc 6.28; 77 Psc – double 6.35, 7.42; 78 Psc 6.23; 87 Psc 5.97; 88 Psc 6.04; 94 Psc 5.50; 95 Psc 7.21; 97 Psc 6.01; 100 Psc 7.05; 101 Psc 6.23; 104 Psc 6.74; 105 Psc 5.98; 107 Psc 5.24 – multiple; nearby; 109 Psc 6.27 – has a planet; 112 Psc 5.89

Other stars:|||The Pisces, The Fishes.

Pisces contains that point in the sky occupied by the Sun during Vernal Equinox, and the day on which the hours of daylight and night are equal, which falls about March 21. That means that Pisces claims the number one position of importance among the twelve constellations of the Zodiac.

I hope you understand.|||TRY WIKIPEDIA.ORG

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