Friday, September 23, 2011

What constellation is our sun a part of?

I was just wondering if we've actually established this or what?|||The Sun moves through a total of 13 constellations over the course of the year. Or rather, it appears to, since we're the ones moving about it.

Bear in mind that constellations not actually proximate groupings of stars, but directional ones. Each one is basically a block of night sky, centred around an arbitrary "image". The stars within that block are all the same general direction from Earth, but are often nowhere near each other.|||A constellation is simply a star pattern in the sky that human imagination has come up with. Many constellations have stars which are very far apart from each other. We are not a part of any constellation because we have never been far enough away from the Sun to put it in a pattern.|||I don't think we are part of any constellation we have named because thee constellations exist because they are seen like they are only on our perspective and we are in the solar system.|||This month the Sun is in Gemini. Last month it was in Taurus, and next month it'll be in Cancer.

See for example

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