Saturday, September 10, 2011

So are we going to throw away all our work on constellation with this new senate comprise bill?

I read today that a senate Panel voted for a bill that would make NASA develop a Heavy Lift rocket. But here's the problem are we going to throw our 5 years of work with constellation or isn't just going to be constellation under a different name. Also are we still going back to the moon by 2018?|||I'm confused... are you actually saying we've BEEN to the moon?

conspiracy crap!! FAIL!!!!!

Seriously though - one thing that is true and obvious,(if people would spend the time learning something new) -

The research being done for an actual flight to Mars is incredible - many people are spending enormous amounts of energy to realize this most accomplished feat. The science involved is so beyond what the average American can comprehend... hence the issues with budget and spend, Congress %26amp; Senate vs. the Scientific mind.... NASA having to pretty up their language for the layman...

Face it....Homer Simpson will never allow this kind of exploration. Better to spend the funds on more welfare.

So yes and no...

YES _ we DO have the technology

NO _ it will never be allowed.

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